

Based in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, Taylor Ross is a professional writer of culture and lifestyle articles. Her work has appeared in “Santa Barbara Magazine,” “Edible Santa Barbara,” and “CASA Magazine.” She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of California, Los Angeles. Taylor has participated in creative writing workshop classes at UCLA, Santa Barbara City College, and the UCLA Extension Writers’ Program. Taylor is passionate about fiction, and she is currently revising her first novel. Read about her writing journey in the blog portion of “Penned Pennies.”

I write for the joy of writing. Creation. To express myself. To be an artist. And because I want to touch people. I want to write the story that throws a lightning bolt through your gut, the book that makes you laugh aloud, forgetting you sit in a coffee shop, and you are unabashed when people turn to look, the book that makes you cry, and you pass it on for how it moves you might move your sister, or your father, or your best friend. The thing that allows you to see the other side of someone’s story, and so you can forgive, or the one that brings you closer to someone you thought you’d lost. The one that gives you courage to do something you think you can’t, or gives you insight into yourself that brings you peace, or spurs you to change.
I have always been a writer. I have been creating stories from the moment I could. I write to touch people. To change lives.
These are not original statements, but they are true.

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